Dish It Girl | Food Blog + Recipes + Real Life

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Baby Food Feeding Journey

Lately, I have been talking a lot about baby food and feeding on the blog.  As I am on this food journey with Siena I am trying to create dishes for both of us. I find my eating habits changing as I feed her. Prior to Siena I turned my nose up to cauliflower rice. Now it is slowly becoming a staple in our house. I recently started the “Mommy and Me Meals” series. As we feed our littles ones we need to remember to feed ourselves. What better way than to train our palettes together with them!

A lot of my ideas may not be new or groundbreaking as I have mentioned before. I am one of those people that scours the internet for information. I wanted to shine a lot of some great sites that I have been using for inspiration. There are a lot of wonderful recipes out there for toddlers. As always, consult with your pediatrician and take everything you read on the internet with a grain of salt.

One of my favorite sites has become One Handed Cooks. They have LOADS and LOADS of amazing recipes for baby food and toddler food. I keep this site bookmarked and refer to it often when I am feeling stuck. They have even written a cookbook which is an awesome baby shower gift!

One Instagram I have been following is @mimisbowl. She is so adventurous with the food she offers her children. When I am questioning an ingredient, or am wondering if she is “old enough” for something. I see Mimi making lamb for her children and serving them bone broth. Then I am encouraged to go for it! Of course, after checking with the pediatrician regarding safety. Also, on Instagram I follow @feedinglittles and @kid_dish for great ideas.

Now that Siena is nearing 15 months some of her habits are changing and she is starting to show preference. I can’t show her any fruit if I want her to eat other parts of her meal. She will only want to eat the fruit! I love that she loves fruit so much, but she does need to eat other things haha! Also, I notice one day or one week she doesn’t like something. Then the next, she is back to eating it again. So, I do believe what people say when they suggest continuing offering foods to your child. Their taste buds are still developing.

Teething is always a battle. I know when her gums are flaring up again when her appetite curbs and she starts getting really picky. When I know, she is cutting a tooth I take it easy on her any myself. What I mean by that is I really try to talk myself down from freaking out over the fact that she hasn’t had every recommended serving of whatever that day haha!

I am continuing to develop more recipes that the whole family can enjoy together. Instead of always making two different meals. The result is that we are all eating a little bit healthier. Well, most of the time haha! Some of our current favorites are Bolognese Inspired Baked Ziti, and Sweet Potato Pineapple Flax Seed Bites. We are also loving Barpron Baby bibs. They are not only super fun styles but they cover almost all of Siena's clothes. Which means less food stains on her clothes which is a big help!

Keep checking back for more mommy and me eating adventures!


None of the mentions in this post were sponsored. The comments and suggestions are my own.